New to orienteering? Ready for a new challenge?
A man walks more or less on established and well-known routes. We meet up with orienteering in the case of leaving a known environment. Knowledge in orienteering helps us to move around in the field, mountain climbing, hiking, traveling, biking ...
Compass and map are technical devices which allow us in addition to the knowledge and experience to deal with unknown environment. All the time we know where we are and where we need to go.
Despite the fact that orienteering competitions are very different and take place in numerous countries have common features. Tracks for competitors are divided into several categories according to competitors age, and thus their knowledge and experience.
Children up to the tenth year in a calendar year are in the class M10 (boys) and W10 (girls) and up to 12th year in the M12, W12 ...
Man is at the peak of his physical and mental strength between 21 and 35 years of age. This is a class for the most prepared. However, this class is, for both men and women, divided into three different lengths and challenging tracks: M/W21A - LONG, M/W21B - SHORT and M/W21E - ELITE (the longest and most difficult track).
After 35 years of age classes are in the range of 5 years: class M35 - men from 35 to 39 year, M40 - men from 40 to 44 years ... The same applies to the classes for women.
Each class has its own track
Anyone can instead of his age class select BEGINNER or OPEN. The youngest, who will walk the path together with adults, will take class KIDS. This means that tracks are easier, and there can be several people together on the track.
The track line is drawn in the map with a purple color. Triangle indicates the start of the track, circle indicates each checkpoint together with the serial number of the checkpoint. End of the track is indicated by a double circle. Which route will be selected on the ground is of course our decision. Also whether we run or walk on the track. Will we take the competition very seriously of will we have more fun and learn about new sports branch, which is widespread in Europe and is one of the ways of spending free time in nature.
It is important that we pick up all the checkpoints with the electronic chip, mounted on our finger, in the correct order. Length of tracks is very different - the youngest to 10 years of age have only about a good kilometer, to the best of almost 9 km of air distance.
REGISTRATION FOR THE COMPETITION is at or by email stating: Name, Surname, Class and Stages (the day on which we compete, if we do not compete all three days) of the competitor. Early registration is cheaper.
ORIENTEERING MAP is drawn at scale: 1:5000 sprint, 1:7.500 middle and 1:10.000 long. The maps are highly accurate, with every detail inscribed, for example: larger rock, striking tree, trail, cart track ... and possibility of crossing the forest, so what is the undergrowth. Variability of the terrain contours is indicated by contours indicate that that are on the map at every 5 m change of altitude.
START LIST of competitors will be done a few days before the competition and published on the website of the competition. It is important that we get to the event space ON TIME, at the information desk lift starting number on our name and take the chip, if we do not have our own. START can be away from the venue up to a few hundred meters and the time you need to start, needs to be considered in the time of your arrival.
STARTING PROCEDURE is simple. We are at the START at least ten minutes before we start. START CLOCK in a clearly visible place warns us on a timely start. At unit CLEAR - we delete old data on the chip, followed by CHECK unit - check chip, and finally start. In order nothing goes wrong, or we wouldn't forget something, more controllers at the start take care. We take a map of our competition class, along the band continue to starting checkpoint on the map which is marked with a triangle. Then follows orienteering on the map with compass (only only permitted tool that we can have along), consider in which way we go and go on a journey. Do not rely on anyone, there will be mutual start of competitors of different classes (32 different classes).
So, for the first time on orienteering track? Why not!
Orienteering competition is not only a contest. Is meeting new people and gathering. Is checking your own abilities, both physical and mental. Decide for entertainment all three days of competition, or just a single day. Each day there will be something else. The choice is yours.
More information can be found on pages of Slovenian Orienteering Federation: